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在行为经济学相关理论的基础上,基于福建山区221个农户的调研数据,运用有序Probit模型探究影响农户参与森林旅游业意愿的主要因素。研究结果表明:山区农户对森林旅游业的参与意愿不高;性别、健康状况、家庭成员是否为党员或干部、屋前是否通公路、家庭成员累计出外打工时间、对森林旅游政策了解程度、政府扶持力度及未来收益预期等因素是影响农户对森林旅游业参与意愿的主要因素。基于此,建议提高农村妇女参与森林旅游业的综合能力、加强政策的支持与引导及推进森林旅游业产业链延伸等。  相似文献   
陕北黄陵县农户生计资本评价及其生计策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]选取受退耕还林、封山禁牧等生态政策影响较大的陕北农户为研究对象,分析农户生计资本与生计策略之间的作用关系。[方法]基于可持续生计分析框架,采用Logistic回归模型,对17个行政村335户样本农户数据进行分析。[结果](1)研究区农户的人力资本整体得分最高,社会资本居次,物质资本中等偏下,自然资本和金融资本处于低水平;(2)农户生计分化明显,典型的纯农户很少,农户生计策略主要为兼农型和低水平非农型;(3)回归分析表明,人力资本指数高的农户倾向于外地兼农,物质资本和社会资本指数高的农户倾向于当地兼农,家庭年收入、人均教育投入和人情往来3项指标是促进农户向非农型生计策略转变的关键因子。[结论]农户生计策略的选择和转变是建立在自身资本结构上的,其往往向着发挥生计资本优势、规避生计资本短板的方向调整生计策略,进而达到提高整体生计资本水平的目的。人力资本优势主导下的黄陵县,加之沟壑区农地资源空间配置的破碎性与复杂性,外地兼农型生计策略将仍是该地区农户近期内的主要生计抉择。  相似文献   
代际人力资本投资是经济增长的重要源泉。但实证显示,相较于男性而言女性更愿意将家庭资源配置在子女教育上。通过构建人力资本代际传递模型,从劳动生产率折旧率的角度解释女性对子代人力资本投资的偏好,并利用2014年中国家庭追踪调查数据、工具变量两阶段实证发现劳动生产率折旧率更高的女性当其家庭决策地位提升时,该家庭的代际人力资本投资比重将显著增加,且存在城乡差异。但是,不论城乡,男孩因未来劳动生产率更高而获得更多的人力资本投资,这表明针对妇女开展扶贫项目,提高妇女在家庭中的地位将更加有助于增加子代人力资本投资。  相似文献   
In a one‐commodity economy populated by capitalists equipped with equal endowment but with heterogeneous linear production technology, a division of the capitalist class emerges endogenously. The capitalists with relatively weak technology, yielding the profit rate lower than the interest rate, become a money capitalist (lender), whereas the capitalists with relatively strong technology, yielding the profit rate greater than the interest rate, become an industrial capitalist (borrower). The equilibrium interest rate is derived by the associated demand and supply relation. From this setup of the model follow two essential relationships Marx establishes between the average profit rate and the interest rate: (a) that the profit (rate) sets a maximum limit of interest (rate), and (b) that the two rates are correlated in the long‐run. Lastly, the profit rate of financial sector is less than that of industrial sector due to the basic setup of the model where the industrial sector uses leverage to amplify the underlying capital profit rate, whereas the financial sector lacks intermediation technology, which would have enabled it to borrow profitably.  相似文献   
研究目的:阐明《土地管理法》成片开发征收标准的核心要旨及其体系构成。研究方法:规范分析法,文献分析法。研究结果:成片开发标准应当以促成公益目的实现为核心要义,并秉持系统思维,既要明确其面积范围、用地构成及类型、补偿方式等基本构成要素,还应建立征收权行使之事前、事中、事后全过程动态监控机制。研究结论:成片开发征收入法本身具有权宜性,待土地要素市场化配置机制更加健全,成片开发征收完成特定历史时期使命之后应退出公益征收范围。  相似文献   
This paper studies rational choice behavior of a player in sequential games of perfect and complete information without an assumption that the other players who join the same games are rational. The model of individually rational choice is defined through a decomposition of the behavioral norm assumed in the subgame perfect equilibria, and we propose a set of axioms on collective choice behavior that characterize the individual rationality obtained as such. As the choice of subgame perfect equilibrium paths is a special case where all players involved in the choice environment are each individually rational, the paper offers testable characterizations of both individual rationality and collective rationality in sequential games.  相似文献   
With the envisioned growth in the residential electricity demand and increased share of intermittent renewables in the supply mix, consumers will need to be better informed about their electricity consumption and to play an active role in managing their electricity use. However, consumer inattention and lack of information are ubiquitous, especially in household energy‐related settings. Thus, using a novel survey and actual monthly electricity consumption data, this study set out to measure the level of awareness about electricity bills, prices and costs among some Finnish households—as captured by the answers to six questions—and to investigate whether higher levels of “electricity awareness” are associated with electricity savings. In addition, this study analyses the willingness to receive extra information about energy consumption and savings and how it differs between “electricity aware” and “electricity unaware” respondents. The results indicate low levels of “electricity awareness” among the respondents of the survey. Compared to the respondents with little knowledge about electricity bills, prices and costs, the respondents with higher levels of “electricity awareness” tend to consume less electricity. Higher levels of awareness about electricity use and consumption might “materialize” inconspicuous consumption patterns, as opposed to more general facts about the largely invisible environmental consequences of everyday practices. More than two‐thirds of the total number of respondents would like to receive additional information about energy consumption and how to save energy. However, there exists a significant portion of “electricity unaware” respondents who are not only unwilling to receive such information, but are also unaware of their own knowledge deficits. To maximize the impact of any information strategy, decision makers should attempt to engage with this type of consumer; by becoming more aware of their knowledge deficits, people might become more receptive to information that can benefit them.  相似文献   
本文基于1993—2017年中国粮食主产区和主销区的面板数据,在比较两个区域农民收入及其结构变化的基础上,使用面板矫正标准误(PCSE)和面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型实证研究并比较主产区和主销区农民收入结构变化对农民种粮积极性的短期和长期影响。结果表明:无论从短期还是从长期来看,对于主产区而言,工资性收入和政策变量对粮播比有显著的负向影响,家庭经营性收入、转移性收入对其有显著正向影响,而财产性收入对其影响不显著。对于主销区而言,家庭经营性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入对粮播比的影响方向与主产区相同,但是工资性收入对其影响与主产区不同,有显著正向影响,政策变量的影响不显著。在长期,工资性收入对主产区和主销区粮播比的影响程度逐渐增加,经营性收入与财产性收入对主产区的影响更大,而转移性收入对主销区的影响更大。因此,在粮食播种面积连续3年下降的背景下,需要进一步优化农业补贴政策,转变粮食生产方式,鼓励主销区增加粮食播种面积,建立多层次农业保险体系。  相似文献   
利率管制松绑、企业会计信息披露质量与融资约束   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已有研究发现,以资本价格——利率为代表的要素市场改革会对企业行为产生重要影响,但这种影响的作用机理如何通过改变资本市场中的信息供求关系予以实现,亟待深入研究。为此,本文以我国2013年央行全面放开利率管制为背景,基于产权性质差异构建双重差分模型,检验利率管制松绑在企业层面的信息溢出效应。研究发现:央行全面放开利率管制不仅有助于促进企业披露高质量的会计信息,还能够缓解企业的融资约束,且企业信息披露质量的提升是导致利率管制松绑降低融资约束的重要渠道。进一步研究发现,对于市场化程度较低地区、R&D投入较高以及短期贷款占比较大的公司,上述信息溢出效应更加显著;另外,利率管制松绑后企业披露高质量的会计信息能够增进投资者的信任,提高信息披露的价值相关性。以上研究结论表明,为应对利率市场化改革带来的机遇与挑战,保障可持续发展,企业会选择主动优化信息环境,来消除信贷市场摩擦,解决“融资难”问题。  相似文献   
[目的]通过引入社会互动变量改进目标导向行为理论框架,探讨生猪规模养殖户对环保饲料的支付意愿及其影响因素,为完善畜禽养殖污染防治政策提供参考借鉴。[方法]以湖北省生猪规模养殖户为研究对象,应用Heckman两阶段模型,研究规模养殖户对环保饲料的支付意愿。[结果]大多数规模养殖户(8134%)愿意采用环保饲料,且平均意愿支付水平为每头生猪饲料成本的669%(4680元/头)。社会互动中的干群互动、同行互动均能显著提升规模养殖户对环保饲料的支付意愿,但同时同行互动不利于其意愿支付水平的提升。进一步的异质性分析表明,在环保饲料支付意愿决策上,社会互动较少的规模养殖户更容易受到制度规范的约束,而社会互动较多的规模养殖户则更易受到感知养殖热情的影响。[结论]政府部门应加大生态环保宣传力度,并借助多种方式推动规模养殖户进行社会互动; 同时可依据社会互动程度的不同,分别制定相应措施以促进规模养殖户对环保饲料支付意愿的提升。  相似文献   
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